Colin’s Top Ten Albums of 2018

2018 felt like a very good year for music, but I’m not sure if that’s just because it felt like a very music-filled year for music. It’s hard to say if this is how things will continue to develop moving forward into our inevitable scorched Earth future. But the advent of streaming has continued to provide so many music-listening options that it feels both overwhelming and endlessly satisfying to be a music fan. That is, if you’re willing to remain open to the bevy of great new artists waiting to be discovered. This year I found a few of those, as well as some old favorites still able to rattle the cage of this ever-changing music landscape. Let’s dive in. Continue reading

The Seventh Annual Mildly Pleased Awards

How do you summarize a year like 2018? I think at this point, the whole “it’s depressing” angle is getting kind of tired. And yet, what other perspective is there on stories like children in cages, increasing production of greenhouse gasses, and a rapist being appointed to the supreme court – tipping the balance toward conservatism for a generation? I guess I just have to hope this is the desperate death throes of a despicable subset of the population that is holding onto power for the last time. An example: this year I was depressed with how much hate The Last Jedi got, but then that report came out that most people did like that movie and a lot of the discourse online was influenced by trolls. There isn’t as much evil as it seems sometimes, and, like Gritty says, we’ll outlive them. But we should eat them first.

Oh yeah, this is our mediocrity award show. Check out the winners after the jump. And before I forget, here are the nominees for best viral video:

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Top Ten Anticipated Movies of 2018

Another year, another slate of movies to get your hopes up about and be inevitably disappointed by. Though, from looking at year’s past, Sean and John have had a pretty good track record of predicting movies that end up being pretty good (John called four movies that ended up on his top ten last year!) Meanwhile, Colin aims to keep up his streak of naming movies he won’t see (he was 10 for 10 last year). That’s right, it’s the most anticipated movies of (the month old) 2018! Continue reading