Sean’s Top 10 Video Games of 2018

With the massive success of Fortnite, it has become impossible to deny that we are in the era of games as a service. Frankly, I’m happy to see the industry moving away from traditional DLC and season passes and embracing the idea that if people want to keep playing a game, that should be encouraged without fracturing the community by demanding a premium. On the other hand, single player games have continued going in the direction of the likes of The Witcher 3 and Breath of the Wild, delivering increasingly complex, mechanically deep, gargantuan experiences. Basically what I’m saying is that it’s getting harder and harder to try to cover the entire medium by myself each year, especially since I also try to keep up with movies, TV, and music. So, yeah, this top 10 is essentially the 10 games I liked enough to beat. Anyway, this is the end of our 2018 lists, so let’s get to it.

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Top Ten Movies of 2018

It’s no longer 2018. In fact, it’s almost no longer January 2019. But that didn’t stop us from recording a podcast looking back at the best of what last year had to offer in film. Also, it wasn’t a bad week to do so, considering the Oscar nominations came out and… ooh boy, not a great crop of movies overall. Still, there were plenty of great films from 2018 that got little in the way of Oscar attention, and which we were happy to talk about.

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Top Ten TV Shows of 2018

2018 was once again a dizzying year for TV, with so many options that you’d think the efforts of three people watching a decent amount of TV shows would have our current television landscape covered. Yet, there are still plenty of critically acclaimed shows none of us caught up with, and you know what? That’s fine. Because we still found plenty of shows we enjoyed, some on our own, and many that we could all agree on enjoying. Look for those here, as we look back at the best shows of 2018. Continue reading

Sean’s Top 10 Movies of 2018

I kept shuffling around something like 30 movies trying to make this list, so I needed to find a technique to help me sort through everything. What I decided to go with was the CineFix list style, where I sorted movies into categories, picked a winner among them, then put 10 categories roughly in order. Full disclosure, it didn’t really work that well for me, but I think it’s something I’ll try again come best of the decade time.

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Colin’s Top Ten Movies of 2018

Much like my top ten TV list, I don’t feel entirely satisfied with what I saw this year movie-wise. But, maybe that’s because there were more than a number films early on in the year that I figured would stick around in my memory as the year progressed, which looking at my list seems to be true. Still, I wish I had gotten around to seeing the likes of Support The Girls, Minding The Gap, and the ever-elusive Burning. That said, I still managed to put together a list I feel pretty good about, even if this year might not have had as many year-end “gotta see” movies as year’s past. Continue reading

John’s Top Ten Movies of 2018

Is it list making time already? Every year it feels like I’m playing catch up. Even as I’m writing this there are so many 2018 movies I still want to see; A Star is Born, The Favourite, The Guilty, Blaze, Burning, Free Solo, They Shall Not Grow Old, and Paddington 2 which is apparently the greatest movie ever made. I had a lot of trouble making a list this year. Maybe it’s not my fault. Maybe it’s 2018’s fault. I mean, Bohemian Rhapsody won “Best Drama” at the Golden Globes so who the hell knows what’s good anymore. Enough small talk. Let’s do this…

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Colin’s Top Ten TV Shows of 2018

This was undoubtedly the year-end list I was dreading having to write the most. I was simply checked out on a lot of TV this year. I keep questioning whether “Peak TV” and “A Golden Age of Television” is necessarily the same thing. Sure, there’s a lot of TV out there, but I don’t know. There’s only a handful of TV shows out there that impact me as much as, say the best 15 or so movies in a given year. Still, there seemed to be plenty of memorable TV to come out this year, and I probably watched only a small fraction of it. Continue reading