As I spend my days now looking forward to the Nintendo Switch, I can’t help but remember this same feeling a year ago, when I was dreaming of finally getting my Oculus Rift. Little did I know that a few months later, a preorder communication/shipping fiasco would result in me switching over to the HTC Vive. Yeah, there was a lot of unexpected chaos in 2016, you might’ve heard.
Typically, late December and January is when I would do the most gaming, catching up on titles I missed out on now that they’re on sale, but that never happened. For a while there I got really sick and decided I only had enough energy to watch Terrace House. So anyway, even though I’m now frantically trying to get through Final Fantasy XV, The Last Guardian, Stardew Valley, Thumper, and a few others, I’m just going to have to write something about them independently when/if I finish them. Like my other lists, these are the games of 2016 that I liked in 2016.
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