Matt Carstens

Championship Series Predicitions

Baseball was in a sweepy mood the last couple weeks as all but one of the divisional series ended in with only one team winning. As for my predictions go I got the Phillies and Yankees moving on, while I totally missed with the Red Sox and Cardinals. That goes to show never trust predictions. Not from me, not from ESPN. They are nothing but shots in the dark. Half the world picked the M’s to win it all in 08 remember? On to more predictions…

National League Championship Series
Los Angeles Dodgers Vs. Philadelphia Phillies

The thing that is so wacky with playoff baseball is the samples. Seven games. So many variables happen over a season yet we decide the ultimate prize with seven games. It’s also what makes it so exciting. The big thing with this series is going to be pitching. If Cole Hamels and Cliff Lee are strong in both their outings I think it’ll be in the bag for the Phillies. I also like the Phillies offense to keep it rolling. They are really deep and can cause havoc on the base paths.

In order for the Dodgers to win they really have to jump on the Phillies starters early and get to that weak bullpen. It seems to be a reoccurring theme this postseason to have your established closer croak at the most crucial time of the series and I’d say the Dodgers have to bank on that. They also have to get some innings out of their starters, because once LA hands it to the pen, its pretty much over.

Phillies Def. Dodgers 4-3

American League Championship Series
New York Yankees Vs. Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim

As basically everyone thought but hoped wouldn’t happen, NY crushed the Twins. A-Rod squashed the dumb rumors that he can’t play in October (even though he has a career .900 OPS and .382 wOBA in the playoffs) and the tired Twins just didn’t have any left. It was to my great surprise that Boston couldn’t even muster up 1 win. Ya the umps sucked, but hey they always suck.

This is a really tough series to call for me. My gut goes with NY because that line up as I’ve said before is insane. But it seems like those annoying scrappy angels always find a way to win and have played the Yankees well this year going 5-5 and outscoring them by 10 runs.

Yankees Def. Angels 4-3

There’s Only One Cocktober

I’m not sure if I’m a hundred percent on board with this years post season advertising. Having Dane Cook is a step up from having David Wells basically saying “Hey, remember when I pitched a perfect game? I was drunk!”

Anyways that magical time of the year is finally upon us. As tradition of the last three years, we had a one game playoff for the AL Central and it was a dandy with Minnesota going tit for tat with a Detroit team that was playing hard for it’s fans back home. The sad thing about that game is whoever won it was going to be at a significant disadvantage in the next series against a juggernaut Yankee team.

I’ll do one of these posts after each series has ended adjusting my predictions for the next round.

ALDS: Twins Vs. Yankees
As much as I want to be wrong, I’m gonna have to say Yankees win the series 3-1. I’ll give Mauer and company one last playoff win in the Metrodome, but its hard to argue with that Yankee line up. I remember a few years ago I saw their lineup in the post season and was like “man that’s probably the best line up 1-9 I’ve ever seen.” Well this one’s better.

ALDS: Boston Vs. Angels
In the midst of my in-season Boston loathing I didn’t really pay attention to them much. I kind of felt that Texas more or less lost the wild card more than Boston won it, but I could be wrong. They are still a strong team and I’ll be rooting for them to oust the Angels, who will have lost in the first round of the playoffs for 3 straight years. I’m Picking Boston to win the series 3-2.

NLDS: Rockies Vs. Phillies
This series is going to be pretty dependent on two things: can the Rockies starting pitching hold up against a prolific Philadelphia lineup, and can the back of the once great Phillies bullpen close it out against a Colorado team that always seems to find a way to win. I’m gonna take the Phillies 32.

NLDS: Cardinals Vs. Dodgers
I’ve heard a lot of hoopla about this Dodger team but it really doesn’t excite me that much. Joe Torre is still running out the vastly inferior Ronnie Belliard over Orlando Hudson which could be a problem. I like the Cardinals front three pitchers, Carpenter, Wainright, and Pinero and it doesn’t hurt to have that Pujols guy. Cardinals 3-2.

The thing about post season baseball is anything can happen. They play 162 games for a reason. That reason being there are so many random occurrences that can go on in any one particular baseball game. The law of large numbers evens these variables out so we can decide the rightful owners of the division crowns. But for logical reasons they throw that out the window and make these teams fight it out for a month. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing at all. It’s the magic of October and that’s why we love it.

Beatlemania: Nancy’s Fav Beatles Songs

This was ridiculously hard and extremely fun. When you can say the ones that just barely missed the cut were…well…the rest of the damn songs, you’ve got a pretty good band on your hands.

Probably the hardest part of this next to picking the songs was putting them in order. And while typing these I had the catalog on shuffle which was probably a bad idea because I was frequently thinking ‘Oh I forgot about that one-OOO! This ones great!” etc. Bad idea.
“Ah man, there goes John rippin’ me off again.”
-George Harrison

10. Do You Want To Know A Secret
I feel like George always took a lot of shit in the early years and I’m glad they threw him a bone every once in a while.

9. Penny Lane
I always loved the orchestration of Penny Lane. Lyrically it’s one of my favorite songs because it puts you literally right on the street. I always liked to picture there’s this really annoying orchestra that is always playing. I mean its cool if your just visiting but these guys are probably always playing.

8. She’s Leaving Home
As of late I’d probably have to say Sgt. Peppers is my least favorite album, but saying that is like saying reduced fat is my least favorite kind of Wheat Thins. I’m a sucker for strings and this song has plenty of it.

7. Dig A Pony
Let it Be was the last Beatles album I attained and I never really got into it until very recently. I’ve been listening to it a lot lately and this song is just really fun to listen to. I learned it on guitar the other day and I just can’t stop listening to it.

6. In My Life
This was one of the first Beatles songs I learned on Drums and I was like “wtf is up with this beat man?” and my teacher was like “yo yo Ringo’s left handed, but he plays a right handed set.”
Now I know. And some of the stuff Colin said.

5. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
George is the man. I was kind of disappointed when a first learned that it was Clapton playing lead on this song, I don’t know why. I still don’t and I don’t think I ever will. I just wish it was George.

4. If I Fell
Definitely my favorite song of the early stuff. I’ve always been blown away by how easily these guys harmonize. It blows my mind. Maybe I’m just easily impressed by vocal harmony. The way the Beatles do it is different to me though. It’s like I get lost listening to one of the parts and then the second time I listen to it I hear the other part and its like a whole new song. I wish I could do that.

3. She Came In Through The Bathroom Window
I originally wanted to just put “second side of abbey road” but thought that might be cheating. I guess I narrowed it down to this song. I don’t particularly have any reasons. I really like the guitar part and John’s “lookout!” at the beginning. I imagine that’s what I would say to someone if some one suddenly came in through the bathroom window. I don’t know why I’m in the bathroom with somebody though.

2. The Long and Winding Road (Spectrofied version)
Ya know Paul McCartney has just been straight up pissin me off lately. First off, I dunno why everybody’s hatin’ on Phil Spector. He straight up murders some chick and now everyone’s trying to take his stamp off their music. What’s the deal? Secondly, I saw the Let it Be movie and I did not see what the big deal is. There’s one scene where it gets kind of tense. So what, people argue, Ringo’s wasted, and there’s a lot of great music. If anything Paul doesn’t want it to come out because he just looks like a douche the whole time. Stupid beard.

1. And Your Bird Can Sing
Surprise, surprise.

And now I will conform to the Corporate F**K and say my favorite album. I always bounced around between Abbey Road and Revolver. I’m gonna have to say Abbey Road because its just got so many sweet songs including my all time favorite “Something”. Oh wait, DAMNIT!

So that was really fun. I’m happy to gain a little credibility on the blog with this post of my favorite band. And with that I’ll leave you In My Yard, I Don’t Care.

T3: Top Ten (Mariner) Baseball Blogs

I thought I’d celebrate the opening of Da with a Classic Top Ten Thursday. This is one I’ve been meaning to do for a while after I found out that Sean had been reading Here is a collection the best websites that I read on a daily basis.

10. Major League Baseball Trade Rumors-
Your one stop shop for any rumors going on throughout the mainstream baseball media. They basically scour all of the daily newspapers, websites like ESPN and FOX Sports, and smaller blogs and weed out the nonsense and give you the rumors. The one drawback is sometimes things can be misinterpereted by the sites authors and rumors are created rather than reported. But as long as you’re careful this is a great place to get the quick and dirty news of the day.

9. Pro Ball North West (formerly Bleeding Blue and Teal)
At first glance just a normal fanblog but as I kept reading the author Jon Shields who resides in Vancouver, WA has a great feel for baseball writing and gives his unique opinions on Mariner happenings.

8. The Hardball Times/
The Hardball Times is a great sabermetric analysis website that has a collection of statistics and articles. Most of the articles are a little above the normal readers head, but their resident blogger Craig Calcaterra discusses all aspects of baseball. Calcaterra’s a lawyer by day and also blogs for He discusses everything from stadium politics, to baseball business, to wierd happenings around the MLB.

7. The Hot Stone
Seattle Times columnist Larry Stone uses this venue to discuss more national topics, usually with some sort of local connection. Since it is a newspaper blog you usually get stuff that does not make it into the print articles like miscellaneous quotes.

6. Shannon Drayer 710
Shannon Drayer is the only beat writer that actually travels and is employed with the team. She has a truly unique perspective and her blog usually focuses more around clubhouse happenings and really interesting stories. It is much more personal than some of the other sites and is really the only place that lets you peek into the lives of the Seattle Mariners.

Fangraphs is another sabermetric analysis website that provides a plethora of statistics and even has a search plug in for firefox. I visit this site at least a dozen times to day as a quick reference to advanced metrics such as Win Values or Ultimate Zone Rating. It really is a one stop shop for everything in advanced baseball statistics.

Jason Churchill is a local blogger who’s site grew and now he writes for ESPN with BBWAA writer Keith Law. Churchill’s focus is almost exclusively about the Mariner’s minor leagues. He has many sources including scouts from all over the league and is the place to go if you want to learn about minor leaguers coming back in trades that the M’s have recently made.

3. Geoff
We are truly lucky to have a beat writer as good as Baker for our local newspaper. Along with writing great articles in the print editions, he goes above and beyond on the internet providing podcasts, video tours of stadiums, extensive spring training coverage. I don’t always agree with his opinions but what he is doing for the newspaper industry is great.

2. Lookout
Lookout Landing is run by Jeff Sullivan who is a biochemist that lives in San Diego who loves the Mariners. I’ve talked to him via email and on the phone on a couple of occasions for my articles at school and I’ve got to say for someone who isn’t involved with baseball for a living he knows a lot about it. Like ussmariner, lookout landing has a lot analysis articles, but what I like about it is reading Sullivans personal post game thoughts. He is frequently hilarious and extremely entertaining to read.

1. Uss
Run by Dave Cameron, who also writes for fangraphs and the Wall Street Journal, and Derek Zumsteg, USS Mariner is packed full of analysis, ideas, criticisms and praise for the Mariners. My brother introduced me a couple years ago and I never stopped going. It is one of the most nationally recognized local sports blogs out there and for good reason. If you only read one of these websites ever, this is the one.

All Star Game Recap

Just to spite Colin I’m going to try my best to get back in the habit of posting bi-yearly.

First off, what a game. With the pitching and defense dominating providing for a quick pace I seriously had to pinch myself and make myself realize I wasn’t watching a Mariners game. That was some of the most exciting, edge of my seat all star game I have ever seen. Here are some of my thoughts throughout the game.

  • I’m a sucker for all of the pagentry. I love when they announce the players and the managers. It was so cool to see Ozzie Smith and Bob Gipson, two of my favorite HOF’ers, and especially Stan ‘The Man’ Musial give the ball to Obama. While by his own admission, Obama has a pretty weak arm and you can tell he had never played organized baseball, but I hella respect him going with his White Sox Jacket. If only Bush had worn a Texas jacket throwing out the first pitch in NY after 9/11. I guess that was a little different situation.
  • My heart is always pounding when a Mariner is making their appearance in an All Star game because I know in the back of my mind that their opportunities are limited. Thankfully Ichiro got his hit out of the gate and Felix threw a brilliant scoreless inning and we didn’t have to go through that Putz debacle of a few years back.
  • I LOATHE Joe Buck and Tim McCarver. The only reason Joe Buck is in a radio booth is because his dad is Jack Buck and he’s got a nice voice. He’s often distracted and has little tangible enthusiasm. Tim McCarver on the other hand is even worse. He should be in a home rather than being paid to be heard aloud for humans to hear. He says the most obvioius things like, “This switch hitter hit a home run from both sides on Sunday. That means he hit one batting right handed AND left handed.” No shit. The thing that really pissed me off is when Felix came into pitch they did not even mention his name until there was two outs. It’s like what the hell! Stop talking about how great a guy Ryan Howard is and focus on the game! He’s not even up yet!
  • People will probably say that Albert Pujol’s All Star performance was disapointing. I beg to differ. He made some plays at first that I’ve never seen made. He is one hell of a first basemen. Sure he made an error but that guy was standing right in front of him. I knew he was good but his defensive play tonight solidified that he is the best player in the Major Leagues in all facets of the game right now.
  • Speaking of defense, Carl Crawford is a beast. A natural center fielder, I had little doubt that once he jumped he had it. Once Hamilton was out of the game, I felt like Joe Maddon knew what kind of game was going to be played with the caliber of pitching on the mound. He ran out Carl Crawford, Curtis Granderson, and Adam Jones. Thats basically the Mariners outfield in terms of defensive ability. Its a new approach dubbed the “3 CF” approach and catches like Crawfords hopefully solidify what people like Adam Dunn shouldn’t be able to own a baseball glove, let alone play the OF.
  • I love Curtis Granderson. Ever since my failed attempt to play fantasy baseball, I’ve always followed his career and really admired the way he plays. He is a triple hitting machine and let out as loud of a little ‘woo’ as I could tonight when he hit that triple.
  • If I was an Indian’s fan I would be SO pissed. I understand Charlie Manuel’s got a pretty good shot to get back to the World Series and he was managing the game to win, but still. I would be so mad that my only representative in the game got intentionally walked.
  • I’m pretty much over the whole Adam Jones situation to the point where I really like just rooting for him. I’m glad he got the winning sac fly and wish him the very best. Besides we got GOOT!
  • I’m glad Heath Bell got the loss because he is a hated rival Padre and a big fat douche bag.

All in all it was a very exciting game and for as long as I live I’ll never get used to one run games. So exhilarating every time. I’m sure Comish Selig was relieved to go from that 4 hour and 50 minute debacle to a 2 hour and 30 minute thriller. Here’s to keeping the streak alive!

Wak is an All Star

Wakawaka Mojo was selected by Joe Maddon, Tampa Bay Rays manager and manager of the upcoming AL All Star team, to be a coach on the AL staff. It’ll be nice to have more than just Ichiro representing us in St. Louis.

In my first post back in a while I shouldn’t write too much, don’t want to pull anything. But here’s a sweet video I found of Wak doin’ his thing.


I’m Hooked

Last night I watched the inaugural game of the Seattle Sounders FC. This is the first time any of us has experienced an expansion franchise first hand and I honestly did not know what to expect. Despite playing soccer for most of my life I never especially liked the game and only had a mild interest when the World Cup came around. But there is something about the word “Seattle” on a jersey that just tickles my Cat Fancy.

I’ve heard the horror stories of expansion franchises but it seemed that Drew Carey and the crew had done a good enough job. They signed the best US national team goalie who has spent most of his career in Europe. They hired Sigi Schmid, a two-time MLS cup champion coach, to head the operation.

It was exciting to see Qwest Field electric again and the boys in green scored goal after goal, undressing the New York Red Bulls in all aspects of the game. Casey Keller, our goalie, made 2 great saves on the only two shots on goal he had to worry about. Fredy Montero was the star scoring two goals and assisting the third.

With a franchise being awarded to Vancouver, BC, and Portland which was announced today, I feel like soccer is finally breaking through and I am excited for a rivalry with close proximity. It was a rough year, but with the Huskies in the tournament, the M’s having hope, and the Seahawks turning things around, everything looks like its on the way up.