in CAT

C.A.T: In Utero

Nirvana – In Utero (1993)

I so did not want to do this Classic Album Tuesday post but I couldn’t let our chronological streak die. I didn’t even do this on tuesday, how lame is that? Anyways I love this album, how can you live anywhere near Seattle and not like Nirvana? When they could of capitalized on their success with another record like Nevermind, this unconventional trio opted for something even edgier. A raw and abrasive collection of muddy and moody grunge rockers, In Utero may represent this band even better than their smash hit predecessor.

At first glance a fan of Nevermind might even be disappointed. There’s few breakout singles on In Utero and the record company was almost hesitant to release it, deeming it not commercially viable. Though submerge yourself deeper and you’ll find this truly is a bittersweet masterpiece. It’s dark and depressing, but powerful and compelling and if you just want to rock out than this is as well the album you need to hear. Tracks like “Tourettes” or “Very Ape” border on metal or even punk it’s crazy.

I feel bad that I had to phone in this album review because it really is something special. Sadly this would be the final of only three Nirvana albums as we all know what would follow. As Cobain quoted Neil Young in his suicide note “It’s better to burn out than to fade away.”

Favorite Tracks: “Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle”, “Rape Me”, “Serve the Servants

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