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Three’s Company

Wow no posts since last thursday huh? Well it happens from time to time, I don’t have a lot to say but I figured I’d try and come up with something. I plan on doing a review of the new Resident Evil game once Paul and I advance a little further but aside from that not a lot is going on.

On to main topic of my post, can you believe Jack White has formed another band? The front man for the likes of such bands as The White Stripes and The Raconteurs has now formed a third group calling themselves The Dead Weather. Strangely enough Jack will be donning drumming duties with some vocals, but accompanying him will be vocalist/guitarist Alison Mosshart of The Kills, guitarist Dean Fertita a touring member of The Raconteurs and member of Queens of the Stone Age and Greenhornes/Raconteurs bassist Jack Lawrence. All members will contribute towards the band’s compositions.

Signed to White’s Third Man Records, the band’s debut album Horehound is due out this June and the lead single “Hang You from the Heavens”, sung by Mosshart, is already available on itunes and for streaming on the band’s official site. I checked it out on Youtube and I’d say it’s more or less your typical Jack White esque garage rock. Not sure what I think yet but I’m a Jack White fan so I’ll stick around to see what happens.


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