in Podcast

Well, you’ve seen our individual lists. Now it’s time to see just who was the closest to guessing our overall top 10 movies of 2012. Now don’t worry, we tried to avoid getting to deep into spoilers and most of the movies in consideration are at least somewhat well-known. You shouldn’t have any hesitation going into this podcast. Certainly, there is nothing to be afraid of. Not in a world where shaved bears are on the prowl.

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[toggle title_open=”Spoiled!” title_closed=”Spoilers!” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]10. The Dark Knight Rises
9. Skyfall
8. Django Unchained
7. Looper
6. Argo
5. Lincoln
4. Life of Pi
3. Beasts of the Southern Wild
2. The Master
1. Zero Dark Thirty

  1. This is one of our longest podcasts. That was a huge “Revalization” for me.

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