The Robot vs. The Aztec Mummy (1957) |
Have you ever seen a movie where you had no recollection of seeing it right after watching it? That’s what happened to me after watching The Robot vs. The Aztec Mummy an incredibly dry b-movie from Mexico. I wasn’t lying when I said some of these were going to be shorter than others which means today is one of those lazy days.
The Robot vs. The Aztec Mummy aka The Aztec Mummy Against the Humanoid Robot aka La mom azteca el robot humano is about a scientist that builds a robot to steal an Aztec treasure from a tomb guarded by an ancient mummy. I know, that sounds awesome right? WRONG! This film is so, so boring and I made the mistake of watching it a year ago, so I’m sorry to say… I’ve practically forgotten everything. So why even review it? Well I couldn’t find a film quickly enough to replace it. Some of these I watch far in advance so later they can sometimes become painful, blurred memories.
The few things I can recall is the annoying amount of flashbacks detailing the Aztec’s rituals, annoying narration/poor additional audio recording and the fact the mummy in this film looks SO BAD. So I’m gonna call it here but don’t worry I got a good one tomorrow.
Here’s a fear-tastic trailer of today’s film!
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