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Can You Do the Contra?

Vampire Weekend – Contra

Seems like it’s now or never that I give my take on the latest from Vampire Weekend entitled Contra which was released a few weeks ago. After their smashing debut I figured they’d made the best album they ever would but I guess I had no idea what this group was capable of. Playing up more of their “Worldbeat” influences or whatever you want to call it, these Ivy League New Yorkers have delivered a catchy new batch of optimistic and intelligent indie tunes. From the island beach rhythm of “Horchata” to the almost circus-like arrangements of “Holiday” and “Cousins” Contra may be even more fun than it’s predecessor.

I find it hard to describe Vampire Weekend’s sound. It reminds me of Paul Simon but if he was born in an age of nifty 80s keyboards and synths. There’s a cheerful disposition to the arrangements but an underlying complexity to the lyrics too. Guitarist/Vocalist Ezra Koenig’s voice is better than ever and Keyboardist/Guitarist Rostam Batmanglij wows with his sparkling keyboards and airtight production.

Here Vampire Weekend has shown that they’ll be here to stay for many years to come. They’ve recorded another fantastic album and only strengthened and honed their trademark sound. Whether or not it tops their debut? Not for me but it’s surprisingly close> At this rate who knows what lies ahead for Vampire Weekend.

Favorite Tracks: “Cousins”, “Horchata”, “White Sky”